Wednesday, May 9, 2007


[This is the last part of an article in Tip of the Day, Thursday, May 10, 2007]

So, after an exhausting night of healing people, Jesus, most likely, crashed on a mat on the ground into a deep sleep. Yet, early the next morning, before daybreak, He got to His feet, and quietly tip[-toed outdoors, finding an isolated place in which He could pray. Just be alone in talking with His Father.

Coach, if you don't make a time with God happen, like Jesus did, it won't happen. Why not "schedule" in an appointment with God each morning, before you do anything else?

What do you talk with Him about?

Well, a good place to start is with whatever is on your mind. And, yes, it's alright to talk with God about coaching, or a problem athlete, or the administration, or...

In fact, it's a great place to start.

[Please feel free to share your thoughts.]

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