Tuesday, May 8, 2007


[The following is the last part of an article in Tip of the day - Wednesday, May 9, 2007]

Coach, you'll get the most out of your athletes when you give them individual attention when you can. By knowing their names, asking them personal questions, sharing your thoughts individually, are all ways of doing it.

Jesus moved among a crowd of individuals, not just people. Likewise, you have a team of individiuals, not just athletes.

They'll work together better as a team when they sense you are treating them as individuals, each with a crucial role to play on the team.

Please feel free to add your comment.

1 comment:

R. White said...

sports and life are so similar. Everyone wants the personal touch. In team sports it is sometimes hard to give the personal touch to each player. But, as Wes is saying, if a coach can have personal time we each player he or she will be more successful.