Monday, September 17, 2007


O.J. Simpson's most recent run in with the law is an alleged Las Vegas break-in. Whether he was justified for breaking into a room, or not, the court will decide.

What's sad about this Hall of Fame running back, who the majority of Americans believe killed his wife and another man, is his total self absorbtion.

What a shock it was for me years ago when I first heard he had been arrested for the murder of his wife and another man. I couldn't accept it. After all, I had met O.J. at a track meet, and our weightlifting team rode in a parade in which he was the grand marshall. O.J. was my football hero. How could he possibly have even burped in public, let alone have killed someone? Heroes just don't kill innocent people.

What will his legacy be? Only God knows. Hopefully, in the future God will finally get through to him. Perhaps we'll see a totally reborn O.J. Simpson. That, of course, won't undo all the terrible wrongs he has done.

For now, his legacy is a former "10" on a ten-point football scale sinking to a "minus 10" on a ten point human being scale.

What irony if, after walking free from a double murder charge, O.J. ends up in jail for trying to get back what he claims is rightfully his. God says "vengeance is mine. I will repay" (Romans 12:19). Perhaps we're presently getting a view of God's justice this side of eternity.

For me, I will continue to pray for O.J., that one day his legacy will show the power of God in redeeming a lost person.

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