Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Of the three all time homerun leaders, the Babe (pictured here) had the best homerun ratio. He hit one out of the park every 11.76 times at bat.

Coming in second is Barry Bonds hitting a homer every 12.92 times at bat.

And, Hammering Hank hit them out of the park every 16.38 times at bat.


davecardin said...

Bonds before year 2000, after 15 years or so of playing and through his PRIME had a 15.2 HR ratio. During the period of 2000-2004 it was 8.4, and his 73 homer year was 6.5, a staggering 58% better than life time before the "transformation" took place.
So Bonds 2nd best ratio is a little bogus. Mark McGwire has Ruth beat by nearly 2, at 10.6 ratio. If you don't think "roids" enhances performance then you are either ignorant or stupid.

davecardin said...

Bonds before year 2000, after 15 years or so of playing and through his PRIME had a 15.2 HR ratio. During the period of 2000-2004 it was 8.4, and his 73 homer year was 6.5, a staggering 58% better than life time before the "transformation" took place.
So Bonds 2nd best ratio is a little bogus. Mark McGwire has Ruth beat by nearly 2, at 10.6 ratio. If you don't think "roids" enhances performance then you are either ignorant or stupid.