Monday, July 16, 2007


This story happened when Tony was the Defensive Coordinator for the Pittsburg Steelers, and it was a test to his integrity.

It was just a day, or so, before the Steelers' first playoff game at the end of the regular season. The TV technical crew was in the stadium getting their equipment set up when the Steelers' opponents were on the field going through a few plays.

A cameraman happened to notice the Steelers' opponents running a trick play. Later, when the Steelers took the field, the cameraman told Tony about the play. He, of course, had time to defend against the play. However, Tony chose not to mention it to his defensive team. He later said he didn't want his team to have an unethical edge.

As it turned out, the opponents did run the play and scored a touchdown. "However," Tony said with a chuckle, "it was called back because of a penalty."

Doing sports God's way is making godly choices!

[Please post any story you might have about Tony Dungy on this site.]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Wes,
I guess all of us experience this temptation in whatever arena we find ourselves. Thanks for sharing this.
