Wednesday, May 9, 2007


[This is the last part of an article in Tip of the Day, Thursday, May 10, 2007]

So, after an exhausting night of healing people, Jesus, most likely, crashed on a mat on the ground into a deep sleep. Yet, early the next morning, before daybreak, He got to His feet, and quietly tip[-toed outdoors, finding an isolated place in which He could pray. Just be alone in talking with His Father.

Coach, if you don't make a time with God happen, like Jesus did, it won't happen. Why not "schedule" in an appointment with God each morning, before you do anything else?

What do you talk with Him about?

Well, a good place to start is with whatever is on your mind. And, yes, it's alright to talk with God about coaching, or a problem athlete, or the administration, or...

In fact, it's a great place to start.

[Please feel free to share your thoughts.]

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


[The following is the last part of an article in Tip of the day - Wednesday, May 9, 2007]

Coach, you'll get the most out of your athletes when you give them individual attention when you can. By knowing their names, asking them personal questions, sharing your thoughts individually, are all ways of doing it.

Jesus moved among a crowd of individuals, not just people. Likewise, you have a team of individiuals, not just athletes.

They'll work together better as a team when they sense you are treating them as individuals, each with a crucial role to play on the team.

Please feel free to add your comment.

Sunday, May 6, 2007


[Below is the last part of an article in Tip of the Day ... Monday, May 7, 2007]

So, if your present problem seems a bit more intense, or a bit more devious, or a bit more perplexing, it might be that God's enemy has his sights on you. What do you do? Ask God to empower you to resist the attack, and to show you what He wants you to do.

You'll come out both victorious, and a whole lot stronger.

Jesus did, and He shows us the way.

(Please feel free to give your thoughts.)

- Wes -

Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Why not give your athletes a vision to accomplish something that will last far beyond the season? Something that won't fade in memory when another season begins.

Perhaps "eternity" won't fit for your team. However, doing something in your community can impact people for a long time. Maybe it's a service project, or a "visiting" project, or...well, your team might come up with some pretty good ideas when you present to them the idea.

The important thing is to let your team know they're on the team to do even more than win games. They're on the team to have an impact on the community as they work hard to win games.

Coach, give them a vision that will make it happen.

A far reaching vision!

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