Sunday, April 29, 2007


These are the last few lines of an article appearing in the Monday, April 30th issue of Tip of the Day. Please feel free to comment on it.

Coach, here's something you might want to do to experience God's activty in your coaching like the government official experienced.

In your office, get your Bible out and look for a command from God. You might try Proverbs, or Matthew 5-7, or John 15, or possibly Philippians. When someone asks what you're doing, you can say something like, "Looking for a challenge from God that will knock my socks off."

Or, you know, put it in your own words.

Why not take a risk at looking foolish?

That's where God will be found.

He's in the risk.

- Wes -

1 comment:

R. White said...

terrific idea. I want to be able to do this someday