Monday, April 23, 2007


You don't have to be a football coach to offer your opinion on the following question:

"As a Christian coach, in the upcoming NFL draft, what will you be looking for in an athlete?"


R. White said...

Looking for a talented and a serious athlete. Someone who might reflect Christian values. It is too easy to follow the pack and get involved with drugs or guns. Give the youngsters who follow the NFL athletes someone to look up to. Give us a breath of fresh air. A talented, awesome player, who will be a positive role model for the community. Someone who will reflect Christian values. Someone who is willing to lead rather than follow

ridgerunner said...

CHARACTER! In today's world I would definitely look at character in drafting an athlete. Athletic skills and team need are important issues, but without character (Godly would be even better) I would pass on the player. Looking for one who was a leader and role model in college. Everyone has only positive comments about the individual.

Wes Neal said...

So far, I've only read the two additional comments by r.white and ridgerunner. Both of you have really hit the nail squarely. I like how you both brought the world we live in into the picture, and the longing we have for someone to whom our young people can look up.

Can such a positive role model make it in the NFL? Sure he can. We've had several in the past, and they all have made solid contributions to their teams.

Also, when you consider all the hassle a team has because of the ego-centeredness of some athletes, you'd think the people doing the drafting would really check out the character of the athletes they're considering.

Drafting top character athletes is good dollar sense, as well as good common sense.

ladycoach said...
